2021 Fine Works In Wood Exhibition
September 10 - 19, 2021
Planning is underway for the 2021 Fine Works in Wood Exhibition. Details will be added to this page as they become available.
Entry Evaluation Plan:
This year, with the challenges that the pandemic presents, the evaluation process for entries will have to be modified slightly from the normal process. Below you will find the most up to date plan. As with so many events lately, we have to be flexible and prepared for plans to change if government regulations should interfere. Please check back here for updates between now and June 11th.
With the re-introduction of an independent, external jury this year, there will be three stages of the evaluation:
Standards Evaluation:
Pieces will be evaluated as laid out in the Call for Entries document.
All pieces that are accepted or conditionally accepted after the standards evaluation will proceed to:
Jury Evaluation:
Pieces will be evaluated as laid out in the Call for Entries document.
All pieces that are accepted after the jury evaluation will proceed to:
Professional Photography
Each piece that has been accepted or conditionally accepted will be professionally photographed for the catalogue.
Digital copies of photography will be made available to all entrants.
As it stands now, two days will be required to process pieces through the standards evaluation, then to the jury evaluation and finally through photography. We understand that especially for those entrants from out of town, this may be a serious inconvenience. We will endeavor as much as possible to prioritize entries from out of town through the process to have them completed as early as possible the second day.
Current Plan:
Location: 4804 Edmonton Trail, Calgary, AB T2E 3V8, on the south side. It is the old Edmonton Inn, now the Drop in Center
Saturday June 12: Pieces are to be dropped off between 9am - 1pm. We will be limiting the number of people in the building at a time. Upon arriving, come to the door, identify yourself and let us know you’ve arrived and we will let you know if you can bring in your entries right away or if you may need to wait for those in front of you. Pieces will go through the Standards evaluation this day.
Sunday June 13: Pieces are to be picked up between 1 - 6pm. We will call you when your pieces have completed the evaluation and photography process. Please follow the same process noted above for pickup. Pieces will go through the Jury evaluation and photography this day.
Current Alberta Government restrictions require that masks be worn indoors at all times. Please ensure you have a mask with you.
Download the Call for Entries poster here.