Fine Works In Wood 2023 - News Release

News Release

SAWS announces 2023 Fine Works in Wood Exhibition Sept. 1 to 10

Calgary, Alta. Mar.14, 2023. The Southern Alberta Woodworkers Society (SAWS) is celebrating 40 years of history with its Fine Works in Wood Exhibition and Sale, Sept. 1 to 10, 2023 in Southcentre Mall, Calgary, Alta. Entry details are on the SAWS website

“This Exhibition is held every second year and it has built a reputation as the top woodworking event of its kind in Western Canada,” says Tom Gorman, SAWS 2023 Exhibition chair. “It attracts high quality, creative entries from the best woodworkers from across Alberta and other parts of Canada. It is free to attend and attracts strong audiences to experience these skills first hand.

“That celebration of the best woodworking is the reason SAWS was started 40 years ago,” he says. “This competitionfeatures the very best from those craftspeople. Entries are predominantly made of wood but can have materials other than wood if they are used to complement the design. Original designs, excellence in workmanship and diversity of approach have been hallmarks of past exhibitions.”

One benefit to exhibitors is exposure to the general public for their skills. The show is free and open to all and that means an opportunity to showcase these incredible skills to all those interested in seeing them, says Gorman. The Southcentre Mall location brings thousands of people in daily making it an ideal way for makers to showcase their skills and products. Some entries will be available for sale.

Exhibition entry deadline is June 9, 2023. Entry details such as fees are available at the Call for Entries document on the SAWS website  While the Exhibition is open to all SAWS members and any woodworker anywhere in Canada, all successful entries must pass a SAWS Standards Committee Assessment. That ensures only the highest standard of work makes it into the show. In addition entries will be judged by a Jury of Experts with winners declared in three categories: Furniture, turning and other.

“One simple way for potential exhibitors to get a sense of entry options is to check out entries from past SAWS exhibitions,” says Gorman. “Anyone can do that by visiting the SAWS website and clicking on the Exhibitions button.” 

This SAWS Exhibition is provided in part with the support of the local and Western Canadian woodworking community and related industries, says Gorman. The exhibition and sale space is provided in partnership with Oxford Properties which owns Southcentre Mall. Financial support is provided in part by assistance from Calgary Arts Development and through Exhibition sponsorship.

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For more information contact:

Tom Gorman, Exhibition Chair Phone Email

Ed Marchand, SAWS President Phone Email

SAWS Website:


March 2023 Meeting Video


February 2023 Meeting Video