Calgary Stampede Creative Arts & Crafts Committee Input Request

The Calgary Stampede Creative Arts & Crafts Committee is reviewing and updating their classes and sections.  They would like our input into the areas related to our guild and would appreciate our feedback by the end of October.

Here is what they wrote:

We are going to replace the existing Functional and Decorative Arts sections with new sections.  One of these new sections will include Woodworking.  We are open to adding more wood classes within this section.  For example, wood turning or marquetry.  Can you suggest some categories that would be appropriate? 

I looked up last year’s entry booklet 2022_CAC_Booklet_FINAL_web_005

It looks like last year “Wood” was one category in the “Functional Handmade Art” section.  I have the hard copy version of the entry catalogue from 2014 and the Woodworking Section was 10 categories in those days.

The day we were there I talked with some of the committee members who were volunteering at the Stampede.  They are a dedicated group and have many challenges organizing and putting on this show.

If anyone is interested in helping provide input to this group of dedicated Stampede volunteers please contact Tam Godfrey by October 10.  Then we will find a time and method to meet and formulate some ideas to submit.


Thank you

Tam Godfrey


Calgary Horticultural Society Garden Bench


Artists in the Atrium