Holiday Ornament Exhibition

Entries for the Holiday Ornament Exhibition closed Sunday at midnight.  A big thank you to everyone who submitted their work.

The final count is 20 ornaments by 12 different makers.  It’s impressive that there are examples of carving, intarsia, marquetry, scroll saw work, turning and veneer forming. Now we can admire the creativity and effort members put into their pieces. Special thanks to the Young Maker who made all 3 of the entries in that category!

Click here to cast your vote for your favourite People’s Choice

Voting will close at 6:00 pm Tuesday December 14, 2021
Then the next night at our regular meeting on December 15, the maker’s names will be revealed and the winner announced.

People’s Choice Entry 1

Sapele, Pear (sapwood)

Height -14.5 cm

Diameter – 5 cm

34.4 grams

People’s Choice Entry 2

Layered pine and walnut, brass eye hook;

20 mm long, 38 mm diameter

32 grams.

People’s Choice Entry 3

My grand daughter claimed the first angel so I had to make a second one for our tree. (I make one per year).

Zebra Wood, Holly, Maple, Lace Wood, Black Wood, Red Heart

2.5 x 3.4 x 1/4

People’s Choice Entry 4

Compound Scrollsaw

Spruce Draft

5.5” x 1.5”

People’s Choice Entry 5

I started with one birdhouse ornament and before I knew it I ended up making over a dozen because they were so quick to make. Each one is made from a variety of wood scraps that I had on hand. I started by drilling out the first blank before turning, in order to minimize the weight which was completely unnecessary since they are typically only three inches tall and weigh less than two ounces. I drilled the entry holes on two sides and painted the inside black for effect.

People’s Choice Entry 6

Mahogany, Oak, Sycamore, Holly, Walnut

3.5 x 2 x 1/4

People’s Choice Entry 7

Compound Scrollsaw


5” x 1.5”

People’s Choice Entry 8

Inside-out woodturning

oak and walnut, steel eye hook

120 mm long, 35 mm diameter

30 grams.

People’s Choice Entry 9

Walnut and maple

Length: 5 inches

1/4 oz (10 grams)

People’s Choice Entry 10

Layered pine and walnut, brass eye hook

158 mm long, 36 mm diameter

33 grams.

People’s Choice Entry 11

Lilac Branch Christmas Trees

3” x 1-1/2”

People’s Choice Entry 12

Nativity scene

Lilac from an old lilac bush that was cut down about 8 years ago. The veneer is from a collection of pieces I inherited from my father and is 60 years old. I am unsure exactly what it is.

3” x 2”

15 grams

People’s Choice Entry 13

Cube is layered oak with purple heart, spindle is purple heart. The coloured small metal bells in the cube are from a dollar store. The balls are suspended in the cube through the upper finial using a straightened paper clip

cube side is 38 mm, overall length 150 mm

38 grams

People’s Choice Entry 14

The background wood is birds eye maple. The green, grey, white and red veneers are dyed, while the black is ebony.

Finished with shellac and wax.


1.5 oz

People’s Choice Entry 15

Scrollsaw Manger


3” x 4”

People’s Choice Entry 16

A three-sided pyramid with scenes from the nativity carved on each side, surmounted by a gold star. It is hollow, made from bass wood sheets so it meets the weight criteria.

People’s Choice Entry 17

Formed Veneers

American Sycamore, Walnut, Zebrano

length 12 cm, height 9cm, wingspan 14 cm

13 grams

Collaboration with a Young Woodworker Category entries:

Entry 1

Manitoba Maple burl

9.5 cm x 8.9cm

31.7 grams

Entry 2


6.7 cm x 8 cm

26 grams

Entry 3

Mahogany, Manitoba Maple burl

8.5 cm x 6.5 cm

4.9, 6.4 grams


Puzzle Box


Stacking Blocks