Social and presentation by SAWS member Marian Hood.
Refreshments will be available starting at 6:30 and the meeting will start at 7:00.
As per tradition, our December meeting is one in which we invite our spouses or dates to be our guests. We also invite fellow "woodies" from the Calgary Woodturners Guild to join us.
We will have a bar open and cold food available.
This year we ask everyone to bring (if you can) a wrapped modest gift to be a door prize. Your gift can be a product or tool from your workshop, a book, a puzzle, a decoration, or anything else that you think one of us will enjoy receiving. We will draw names to see where the gifts end up.
Very important
if you plan to attend, please RSVP to Paul Fitzpatrick at 403-618-4605 or email by December 15 indicating if you are coming as one or with a guest. He can then plan the food and drink.
Our speaker that evening will be SAWS member Marian Hood.
Here is her preview of per presentation:
Last summer my husband Richard and I took two trips in the Arctic with Adventure Canada.
We spent time in communities in Nunavut including Kinngait (formerly Cape Dorset) where Canadian Inuit printmakers got their start. We hiked on the land with local Inuit guides. We cruised the pack ice in zodiacs in the middle of Davis Strait almost equidistant from Canada and Greenland and with 2.5 km of water beneath us on our way to visit communities in Greenland. We saw polar bears, seals, narwhals, and various sea birds. We weren't very close to any of the mammals but still, we saw them. Please join me for the Dec. 21 SAWS meeting when I will be showing photos and talking about the experience.