Show and Tell
It is always amazing to see what others have been doing in their shops at the Annual Show and Tell Meeting
Show and Tell can be just about anything :
finished or unfinished projects
new tools / old tools / unusual tools
jigs or processes that worked or didn’t work
or seek input for questions you have
Lots of participation is what makes this meeting Great!
How to participate
If you are sharing about an object, please email up to five pictures of it along with some text describing the pictures to Tam Godfrey, by Friday January 13. Please send photos even if your project is small enough to bring to the live meeting. If your sharing is a story or question, email a sentence about it. You doing this will give us an idea how to pace the meeting, and to project the pictures so everyone can see what you are talking about.
Zoomers can have the option of broadcasting live from their home or shop. If you are interested in this please email Tam advance so we can make sure our systems work.
Tam will send a confirmation email that he has received your pictures within one day. If you do not hear from him please contact him.