Show and Tell
Jewellery Box by Louis Gerard
It is always great to have a glimpse into what others have been doing in their shops and learn a little more about what they are up to.
Here is how it works
Each presenter takes three or four minutes to show something or talk about something on which they have been working.
It can be anything you think might spark interest:
A finished or unfinished project,
A new tool or old or unique tool,
Jigs or processes that were a great success or not so positive,
Ask input for a question you have.
There is no wrong topic here; we have to keep it short so don’t worry about your public speaking skills.
Participation is what makes this meeting fun and enjoyable for all!
How to Participate
We need to get organised in advance of the meeting. Instruction on how to participate were email to members on January 8th.
Thank you in advance for your participation and remember to have fun.
Craig Sutherland
Tom Gorman
Program Committee
In Person
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for coffee and networking. Scarboro Community Centre, 1727 14 Avenue Southwest Calgary.
Remote Access
Zoom link is live at 6:45 p.m. to connect and chat. Nearer the event a link will be emailed to members, and added to the members’ section of the website. Members Only password required.