Exhibition year: Why it’s a great time to join SAWS
For more than 40 years The Southern Alberta Woodworkers Society (SAWS) Fine Works in Wood Exhibition has been celebrating the best of skills in our woodworking community in Alberta and across Canada.
Held every two years, our most recent effort, the 2023 Exhibition, was the most successful to date in terms of entries and attendance. As we launch the 2025 Exhibition, Sept. 5 to 14 in Calgary, we have great expectations that this event will continue to set new standards.
There are a lot of ways woodworkers can be part of that energy, that fun and satisfaction. You can enter something for example. Those details are on our website. But the simplest way to participate is to become a SAWS member. There’s never a better time than an Exhibition year to do that. The event always unleashes a blast of new energy into our community.
Darrell Aunger focuses on hand tool wood work but has a hybrid shop
Check past Exhibitions
If you want to get a sense of that potential, wander through the SAWS Exhibition exhibits from past years online at www.saws.ca. You will get a feeling the creativity and skill that will be on display this September. As you do that, read between the lines. There is much more to this group.
If you enjoy woodworking or think you might, consider the many ways to enjoy the craft. Our members are great examples of that range.
Some of our members are makers with the simplest of tools and supplies. Some use heavily computerized CNC machinery. Some are professionally trained, some self-taught hobby folks. Some use hand tools, some power, many are hybrid. Some have large shops, some small, many in-between. One new member is moving from a larger shop into an apartment workshop bench area. A whole story of interest for people at that stage of life.
Some members do carpentry or build or renovate houses for a living. Some are simply building things like toys for their kids or grandkids. Some are artists. Others build hand crafted musical instruments. Some build fine furniture, several that have sold around the world. But many also just enjoy the satisfaction of the broad community like collecting vintage tools, or learning new things like the ancient crafts of green and sloyd woodworking.
Quite a number of our members are retired, but a number are younger, small business or hobby woodworkers getting started in their craft, or getting a start on retirement planning. This combination of young and mature makers brings a critical energy to the group.
Where woodworkers learn
SAWS has built its success around the slogan “Where woodworkers learn,” and we’ve designed many ways for members to learn on the go and from the network. We have regular monthly meetings with speakers, a chance to meet other members and visit face to face if you are in Calgary, or via Zoom from anywhere.
We have started regular coffee shops once a month which consistently draw good numbers. We have introduced a WhatsApp group where people share ideas and questions. You’ll see everything from what to expect for wood movement with a particular wood species in a furniture build to “Why won’t my door hang properly?”.
SAWS members, who now reach across the province of Alberta, may see notices of lists of tools or supplies for sale to members. And as a member you will receive discounts at various suppliers.
Back to why the Exhibition year is so important to us.
Big, small, complex, simple -- the Exhibition entries represent the broad fabric of skills in our group. Anyone can come to the Exhibition free of charge, but as a SAWS member you will get a special education lesson. A panel of jurors reviews each item and explain their view on why the design works or doesn’t. And that’s a chance to discuss design with SAWS colleagues. Everyone learns.
Potential members are welcome to sit in on a monthly SAWS meeting to get to know us better. If you want to know more anytime, just ask us.
Meantime, enjoy these member entries from our last Exhibition.
Fred Coates, Carved Birch Bowl
Matt Smith, Leckie Dining Table
Dave Anderson, Modern Bookcase
Doug Drury, Lazy Spiral segmented turning
Bill Maniotakis, The Time-Keeper