Show & Tell
It’s always amazing to see what others have been doing in their shops or during their travels, so plan to join us for Show & Tell at this meeting.
Show and tell can be anything:
finished or unfinished projects,
new tools / old tools / unusual tools,
jigs or processes that worked or didn’t,
seek input for questions you have on a project,
share some interesting woodworking you saw while travelling.
Participation makes this meeting great!
How to Participate
All participants must send a maximum of 5 photographs, along with some text describing each, to Tam Godfrey before midnight Sunday, January 12 (please use subject: SAWS Show & Tell Photographs).
They are required for viewing by members participating via ZOOM and will also help with pacing the meeting.
Tam Godfrey
In Person
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for coffee and networking. Scarboro Community Centre, 1727 14 Avenue Southwest Calgary.
Remote Access
Zoom link is live at 6:45 p.m. to connect and chat. Nearer the event a link will be emailed to members, and added to the members’ section of the website. The new SAWS members password is required.